Located in the Mault House, part of the old Poldrate Mill on the River Tyne in south Haddington, the Lamp of Lothian Collegiate Centre provides a community facility for the town and a venue for arts and crafts, exhibitions, lectures and meetings. The restoration and conversion of the old mill began in 1968 by the Lamp of Lothian Trust, which is a Haddington-based charity, founded in 1967, taking its name from St Mary's Parish Church.
Under the leadership of Elizabeth, Duchess of Hamilton, the Trust's main project was the restoration of St Mary's to its mediaeval glory (1971-3), however it was also responsible for refurbishment of the 17th Century Haddington House and the 18th Century Jane Welsh Carlyle's House in the town. The headquarters of the Trust and the Collegiate Centre moved to their current location from Haddington House in 1995.