John Erskine (6th Earl of Mar, Bobbing John) 1675 - 1732 References and Further Reading Thorne, J.O. and T.C. Collocot (eds.) (1984) Chambers Biographical Dictionary. Chambers, Edinburgh Use the tabs on the right of this page to see other parts of this entry Related Entries There are 26 related entries. (8 Attractions, 1 Council Area, 2 Families, 3 Features, 9 People and 3 Settlements) Names that are not linked do not currently contain any information. Attractions: Alloa Tower Corgarff Castle Gartmorn Dam Kildrummy Castle Mar's Wark Rossend Castle Sheriffmuir Battlefield Tullibody Old Bridge Council Area: Clackmannanshire Families: Erskine Mar Features: Gayfield Mar Lodge Silver Glen People: Field Marshal John Campbell(2nd Duke of Argyll; Duke of Greenwich) John Campbell(1st Earl of Breadalbane) George Drummond Charles Erskine(Lord Tinwald) James Erskine Lord Thomas Erskine Alexander Gordon(2nd Duke of Gordon) Alexander Robertson of Struan(13th Chief of Clan Donnachaidh) James Francis Edward Stuart(The Old Pretender) Settlements: Alloa Auchterarder Braemar
There are 26 related entries. (8 Attractions, 1 Council Area, 2 Families, 3 Features, 9 People and 3 Settlements)
Names that are not linked do not currently contain any information.
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